Research Areas

At MPFL we investigate a myriad variety of multiphase flows situations - ranging from cavitation, bubbly flows, supercavitation, boiling, fluidization to slurry flows and employ these to effectively solve some of the most daunting challenges faced in the world of science and technology. We do a lot of flow visualization and quantification, product development and testing and yes, we are always keen to explain the fundamental physics encountered in a multifarious range of fluid flows. Some of our current research interests are:
Flight Aerodynamics
FlowVisualization and Quantification (Wind/Water Tunnel Experiments)
Performance Enhancement in Extraction of Kinetic Hydro Power
We are developing techniques to enhance power recovery for kinetic hydro turbines, using a momentum-redirection approach through experimental and computational approaches.
Multiphase flows for hydro power

A persistent theme throughout the study of multiphase flows is the need to model and predict the detailed behavior of those flows and the phenomena that they manifest. There are three ways in which such models are explored, experimentally, through laboratory-sized models equipped with appropriate instrumentation; theoretically, using mathematical equations and models for the flow, and computationally, using the power and size of modern computers to address the complexity of the flow. Hydro power fulfills a large part of our power requirement, our aim is to utilize multiphase flow to revolutionize the hydro power generation.

Study of bubbly flow in pipelines
Air in solution is not likely to present many engineering problems It is only when the pressure reduces sufficiently to permit dissolved air to form bubbles that problems arise. The water bulks and head losses increase. The bubbles may coalesce and rise to the top of the pipe to form large pockets. Flow conditions then become similar to those in partly full drain pipes, except that in a pipeline it is likely that the system, including the free air, will be pressurized. We intend to deeply study the phenomena and come up with a solution to eradicate this.

Using multiphase flow to improve Indoor air quality
Most people spend between 70 to 90% of their time indoors. Additionally, many pollutants found in outdoor air are found in indoor air but at higher concentrations than outdoors. Consequently it is acknowledged that inhalation of indoor air is the major determinant of human exposure to many pollutants. The purpose of ventilation for offices, lecture halls, schools, and similar spaces is to provide air of a quality that will be perceived as acceptable. The idea is to dilute the pollution from sources in the space by supplying the necessary flow of outdoor air.

Cavitation and Supercavitation
Cavitation is the appearance of vapour bubbles and pockets inside an initially homogeneous liquid medium, occurs in very different situations. According to the flow configuration, it can take various figures. In order to encompass all possible cases, we propose the following definition: Cavitation is the breaking of a liquid medium under excessive stresses. That definition makes cavitation relevant to the field and the methods of continuum mechanics. It is convenient for cases in which the liquid is either still or flowing.

Bubble coalescence for Industrial and Naval Applications
The dynamics of bubble coalescence plays an important role in many engineering processes. For example, in mixing, bubbles or drops can generate large changes in interfacial areas through the action of vorticity via stretching, tearing and folding which facilitates the mixing processes.A good understanding of the fundamental mechanism of multiple bubble coalescence can be crucial in maintaining the dispersion process. The dynamics of liquid drop coalescence has been addressed by many researchers. we intend to study the phenomena with the perspective of multiphase flow and derive results.

Cost-effective strategies for water lifting in hilly regions
In a collaborative endeavour, Uttarakhand Jal Sansthan has signed an MoU with MPFL and has handed over a 150 m long canal and a defunct turbine facility for R&D purposes. MPFL has been entrusted to not only make the facility operational and demonstrate the technology to lift water without any fuel or electricity, but also to make the head/discharge measurements so that such a technology may be implemented across other locations. Using such a cost-effective water lifting technology, MPFL hopes to provide abundant water supply to villages at high heads in the Himalayan region.