COVID Innovation Challenge, 2020. Design, Fabrication and Pilot Study of a COmfortably Vented Indigenously Designed (COVID) Fabric Helmet to Curb Infection Spread in Community Settings such as Education and Healthcare.

Science and Engineering Research Board, DST India
Early Career Research Award, 2018 for the project titled "Ventilation Augmented Supercavitating Turbines (VAST) Technology for Next Generation Hydropower", Funding Amount: Rs. 42 Lakhs.

University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,UPES SODH/ SEED Projects
Experimental Investigation of ventilated supercavitation at high cavitator temperature, UPES SEED Grant, 2021 (with Mr. Kumar Gaurav as PI)
Novel technology of water lifting technique and efficiency enhancement of hydro turbines in remote hilly areas, UPES SEED Grant, 2021 (with Dr. Ramesh Donga as PI)
Development of a low-cost and robust UPES COVID ventilator
Development of a test facility for the efficiency measurement of novel hydrokinetic turbine designs: Experiments on a model 1kW cross-flow turbine for battery charging. (SODH Scheme)
Performance Enhancement of Savonius Hydrokinetic turbines employing momentum redirection. (SODH Scheme)
Novel strategies to induce bubble coalescence for industrial and naval applications, UPES SEED Grant, 2018 (With Dr. Abhay Kumar as Co-PI)
In-situ monitoring of industrial bubbly flows and Bubble size control by continuous feedback system, UPES SEED Grant, 2018 (Co-PI with PhD Student Mr. Sri Raghunath)
Conversion of waste sewage sludge to wealth via hydrolysis/methanogenesis and pyrolysis, UPES SEED Grant, 2018 (Co-PI with Dr. V Chintala)

Research Initiative for Students of Engineering, RISE UPES
Gas jet cavitation in Under Water Vehicles, Students: Arya Kar, Dushyant Singh, Funding Amount: Rs 30000; 2019.
Novel surface aerators for mitigating water quality in hydropower impoundments, Students: Rohit Mahawar, Priyanshu Dwivedi, Funding Amount: Rs 30000; 2019.
Ventilated Propellers for Next Generation Hydropower, Students: Amit Shrivastava, Ayush Mishra, Ranjith, K., Funding Amount: Rs 30000; 2018.